Ferd has established pension schemes in accordance with Norwegian legislation. The employees participate in defined benefit plans complying with the requirements of mandatory occupational pension.
Defined benefit plans
Defined benefit pension plans give the employees the right to determined future pension benefits. Ferd's net obligation reagarding these pension schemes is calculated separately for each scheme. The obligation is an estimate of future benefits earned by the employees, based on the number of service years and the salary level at the age of retirement. The benefits are disounted to present value, and the recognised obligation is reduced by the fair value of the pension funds for funds based pension schemes. Changes in assumptions, total number of members and deviations between estimated and actual salary increases and return on funds result in actuarial gains and losses. Such gains and losses are recognised in total comprehensive income.
The defined benefit plans comprise collective schemes and some additional arrangements including early retirement pension for Group mnagement. Until 2012, Ferd has also had a benefit plan for employees with a pension pension exceeding 12 G, but this scheme was replaced by a contribution plan at the end of 2012. The plan change has been recognised in the income statement.
Financial assumptions at 31 December
Discount rate
2,20 %
2,60 %
Expected return from pension assets
3,60 %
4,10 %
Expected wage growth
3,25 %
3,50 %
Future expected pension regulation
1,30 %
1,30 %
Expected regulation of base amount (G)
3,00 %
3,25 %
Specification of the recognised liability
NOK 1 000
Present value of unfunded pension liabilities
27 976
46 177
Present value of wholly or partly funded obligations
102 614
91 271
Total present value of defined benefit obligations
130 590
137 448
Fair value of pension assets
60 920
61 000
Total defined benefit obligation recognised in the balance sheet
69 670
76 448
Movement in the liability for defined benefit pension plans
NOK 1 000
Liability for defined benefit pension plans at 1 January
137 448
119 323
Present value of the pension earnings of the year
13 715
3 500
Interest expense on the pension liability
2 819
4 423
Actuarial gains/losses on the pension liability
- 9 017
15 597
Plan changes
- 9 826
Benefits paid
- 4 549
- 5 395
Liability for defined benefit pension plans at 31 December
130 590
137 448
Movement in fair value of pension assets for defined benefit pension plans
NOK 1 000
Fair value of pension assets at 1 January
61 000
56 277
Expected return from pension assets
2 548
2 697
Actuarial gains/losses on pension funds
- 4 936
Contribution from employer
6 455
5 366
Administration expenses
- 508
Benefits paid
- 3 639
- 3 340
Fair value of pension assets at 31 December
60 920
61 000
Pension assets include the following
NOK 1 000
Managed by insurance companies
60 920
61 000
Total pension assets
60 920
61 000
Pension costs recognised in the income statement
NOK 1 000
Present value of this year's pension earnings
13 715
9 890
Interest expense on the pension liability
2 818
4 423
Plan changes
- 9 826
Administration expenses
Expected return from pension assets
- 2 548
- 2 697
Total pension costs recognised in the income statement
4 667
11 616
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