NOK 1 000
Dividend and group
contributions from
financial investments *)
Unrealised value
change on
financial investments
Net gains on
sales of
financial investments
Investments in subsidiaries
101 786
1 662 327
1 764 113
Shares and stakes in other companies
- 3 084
- 3 084
Listed shares
72 442
355 399
149 066
576 907
Unlisted shares and investments in other equity instruments
21 322
1 380 165
- 111 916
1 289 571
Hedge funds
9 131
- 120 558
138 374
26 947
Investments in debt instruments
- 952
265 693
- 2 117
262 625
Total 2012
203 730
3 539 942
173 407
3 917 079
NOK 1 000
Dividend and group
contributions from
financial investments *)
Unrealised value
change on
financial investments
Net gains on
sales of
financial investments
Investments in subsidiaries
287 583
- 243 023
44 560
Shares and stakes in other companies
Listed shares
61 535
- 806 129
47 803
- 696 791
Unlisted shares and investments in other equity instruments
54 114
116 818
236 711
407 643
Hedge funds
- 184 120
207 572
23 452
Investments in debt instruments
5 388
- 86 697
4 194
- 77 115
Total 2011
408 620
-1 203 150
496 279
- 298 251
*) Cash distributions from private equity are mainly offset against the carrying value of the funds and are not recognised in the income statement.
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